Guisarmes & Golems

Equipment & Resources

The Monetary System

Common Coinage
10 copper = 1 silver
10 silver = 1 gold
10 gold = 1 platinum

Financial Services

Loans = 20% interest/month
Gem/Jewelry Sale = 80% of actual price
Money changing = 3% fee
Savings = 0% interest

Starting Money & Equipment

Starting Money

Common Starting Gear

If the characters are going to start as prisoners, beggars, or other form of utter destitution, ignore the starting money and items below.

All characters begin with the following items:

Beginning Spells

Prophet: All 1st level clerics begin with a prayer book (or set of runestones of other thematic equivalent) containing the steps to pray for all the 1st level clerical spells.
Magician: All 1st level wizards begin with a standard spellbook containing Read Magic, and three other first level spells of their choice.

Equipment Costs

Check here

Weapons and Armour