Guisarmes & Golems

Appendix U, Basic Equipment List

pointless intro paragraph

Starting money and trappings

Starting Money

Common Starting Gear

If the characters are going to start as prisoners, beggars, or other form of utter destitution, ignore starting money and the items below.

All characters begin with the following items:

Beginning Spells Prophet: All 1st level clerics begin with a prayer book (or set of runestones of other thematic equivalent) containing the steps to pray for all the 1st level clerical spells. Magician: All 1st level wizards begin with a standard spellbook containing Read Magic, and three other first level spells of their choice.

Coins and Currency

(vs credit, paper, barter)

Traditional Exchange Value

Coinage Equivalence
1 silver pieces 10 copper pieces
10 silver pieces 1 gold piece
5 silver pieces 1 electrum piece
50 silver pieces 1 platinum piece

Uod Coinage - Regional

common examples compared to standard values above

Standard of Living

Standard of Living Monthly Cost Common Profession Benefits Risks

General Notes

pointless intro paragraph

Financial Services

Loans = 20% interest/month
Gem/Jewelry Sale = 80% of actual price
Money changing = 3% fee
Savings = 0% interest

Looting and resale

guidelines for what can be salvaged and expected value

Equipment Avaibility Overview

by market, region, rarity

Weapons and Armor

See charts and descriptions below


Armor Rural City AC Max Move Availability Enc (coin) Enc (slot) Notes
Breast & Back - 75 4 90’ Common 300 1 point  
Buff Coat 30 15 1 120’ Common 100 1 (item)  
Brigandine - 80 3 120’ Common 350 1 (item)  
Codpiece, mundane - 5 0 120’ Common 0  
Hides / Fur 10 15 1 90’ Common 200 1 point  
Lamellar, Steel - 125 6 90’ Common 300 2 points  
Leather, Cuir Bouilli 20 20 2 120’ Common 120 1 (item)  
Leather, Studded 25 25 3 90’ Common 200 1 (item)  
Maile, Hauberk - 100 5 90’ Common 300 1 point  
Maile, Plated - 800 7 60’ Common 450 2 points  
Pitch Jacket 3 3 1 120’ Common 150    
Shields:             1 (item)  
– Buckler 20 8 +1 N/A Common 25 1 (item) Can hold torch in shield hand
– Large - 20 +2 N/A Common 100 1 (item)  
– Nog Coverage - 100 +1 N/A Common N/A   Includes Standard Nog
– Small 15 10 +1 N/A Common 50 1 (item) Splintering only reduces damage to 1hp
– Small wood 3 5 +1 N/A Common 30 1 (item) Splintering only reduces damage to 1hp
– Standard 20 15 +1 N/A Common 80 1 (item)  


Helmets Rural City AC Availability Encumbrance Enc (coin) Enc (slot) Notes
Armored Mask, Steel 20           +1 Save
Helmet, Kettle 20 10 +1         +1 Save
Helmet, Lobster-tail 50 25 +1         +2 Save
Helmet, Sallet 25 10 +1         +2 Save
Skullcap, Metal 5 10 -         +1 Save



Weapon Rural City Damage Encumbrance Availability Special
- War Axe 50 30 1d6/1d8 1    
- Great Axe (2H) 40 1d10 Oversized    
- Hand Axe 8 8 1d6 1    
Cestus, Knuckledusters, Hook 10 1d3    
Dagger 10 10 1d4 #2    
- Main Gauche   12 1d4 #2    
- Silver Dagger   30 1d4 #2    
Flails, Hammers, and Maces:            
- Club 5 5 1d4 1    
- Flail, footman’s 40 20 1d6/1d8 1    
- Mace, footman’s 35 20 1d6/1d8 1    
- Morning Star (2H) 50 1d10 Oversized    
- War Hammer 50 20 1d6/1d8 1    
Garotte 5 1d6    
Lance 30 1d10 Oversized   charge from horseback
Net 5 3 1    
Pick, heavy 45 1d6 1    
Polearms: 30 1d10 Oversized    
–Billhook 30        
–Guisarme 50        
–Halberd 50        
–Poleaxe 45        
–Others 3        
Spear 8 5 1d6/1d8 1   strike from second rank
Staff 5 3 1d6 1    
Swordcane 50 1d6 1    
–Heteri Broadsord 50 30 1d8 1    
–Sword, Arming 50 20 1d6 1    
–Sword, Long 50 40 1d8 1    
–Sword, Rapier 40 1d8 1    
–Sword, Tulwar 50 30 1d8 1    
–Sword, Two-handed (2H) 50 1d10 Oversized    
Whip 25 10 1d2 1   can entangle


Weapon Rural City Damage Encumbrance Availability Special
Arbalest   60 1d6 Oversized    
Blowgun 5 5 1d2 Oversized    
Bow, long 50 45 1d6 Oversized    
Bow, short 25 25 1d6 1    
- Quiver with 12 Arrows 5 5 #20    
- 1 Silver-Tipped Arrow   5 #20    
Crossbow, heavy 40 1d6 Oversized    
Crossbow, light 30 1d4+1 1    
–Bolt, crossbow (12) 8 5 #20    
Dart   2 1d3 #3    
Sling 2 2    
- Sling Stone 0 0 1d3 #20    
- Sling Bullet (12) 3 2 1d3+1 #20    


Weapon Rural City Damage Encumbrance Availability Special
Pistol 35 1d8 1    
Arquebus 50 1d8 Oversized    
Musket, Matchlock 65 1d8 Oversized    

General Equipment


Item City Rural Enc (items)
Bedroll 2sp 1sp
Block & tackle 2sp 3sp Oversized
Book, spell (blank) 100sp 1
Caltrops(6) 3sp 1
Candle 1cp 1cp #6
Chain, per foot 1sp 2sp #2
Chalk 1cp 1cp
Cooking pots 1sp 5cp 1
Crampons 5sp 5sp 1
Crowbar 2sp 2sp 1
Drill 5sp 5sp 1
Fishing gear 1sp 1sp 1
Grappling hook 5sp 10sp 1
Hammer 3sp 2sp 1
Ink and Quill 10sp 25sp 1
Instrument, musical > 1sp > 5sp 1 (most)
Ladder, 10’ 10sp 7sp Oversized
Lantern 15sp 10sp 1
Lard 1cp 1cp 1
Mirror, silver 30sp
Mirror, steel 1sp 5sp
Oil, Flask 5sp 10sp #3
Paper 2cp 2cp
Pick, miner’s 6sp 12sp 1
Pipe 1sp 5cp – ( Traditional Heteri style is 1)
Pole, 10’ 1sp 5cp Oversized
Rope, 50’ 3sp 3sp 1
Saddle and Tack 25sp 10sp Oversized
Scroll case, leather 1sp 3sp #2
Scroll case, bone 5sp 15sp #2
Shovel 3sp 3sp 1
Spikes, irons (10) 3sp 5sp #10
Spyglass 250sp 1
Tent 10sp 20sp Oversized
Thieve’s tools 50sp 1
Tinderbox 1sp 5sp 1 (Flint and Steel alone is –)
Torches (3) 3cp 3cp #3
Vial, empty 5cp 7cp #5
Waterskin 1sp 1sp 1 (full)

Religious Items

Item City Rural Enc (items)
Talisman, Mindat, Basic 100sp 250sp
Prayer Beads    
Incense, 12 pieces     1
Holy symbol, silver 25sp 50sp 1
Holy symbol, steel 10sp 10sp 1
Holy symbol, wood 1sp 1cp 1
Holy water, vial 25sp 25sp #3
Prayercloth, Clan    
Prayercloth, Personal    
Idols, travel size     1
Spiritmask, Chlendi     1
Bell, brass    

Talisman, Mindat: Creation of Talismans is an essential element of Mindat magical traditions. Talismans are message in quality (likelihood of effect) and efficacy (power of effect). Talismans protect a single specific spell or effect, determined at creation time.

Basic: Allows +2 to saving throws versus the effort Less: Allows +4 to saving throws versus the effort Supreme: Allows a reroll of a failed saving throw versus the effort


Item City Rural Enc (items)
Belladona 1sp 5cp  
Garlic 3cp 1cp  
Goldenrod 10sp 5cp  
Smoking Herbs, Normal 5cp 1sp  
Smoking Tobacco 3cp 1cp  
Wolvesbane 10sp 1sp  
Cinnamon (etc,1lb) 10sp 20sp 1
Saffron (1lb) 50sp 1
Vial of mithridate 1000sp #3
Healing poultice varies varies 1


Most clothing does not count as an encumbering item if worn.

Item Rural City Enc (items) Availability Special
Belt 1 1      
Boots soft, low   6      
Boots soft, high   3      
Cloak, hooded   1      
Cloak, heavy, winter   15      
Cloth, cotton, bolt   25      
Cloth, silk, bolt   100      
Cloth, wool, bolt   10      
Gloves   4      
Hat, Mindat Academic          
Hat, Cavalier          
Hat, Chaperon          
Hat, Fur          
Hat, Phrygian          
Hat, Wide brimmed          
Robe (vestment or academic)   6      
Shoes,leather   1      
Turban, Chlendi   1      
Wig, cheap   5      
Wig, fine quality   50      
Clothing, extravagant 20+sp      
Clothing, normal 2sp 5sp      
Clothing, poor 5cp 1sp      
Clothing, winter travel 5sp 10sp      


Most containers (exclusing oversized ones) one count encumbrance based on their contents.

Item Rural City Capacity (Coins) Capacity (Items) Reference Enc (items)
Backpack 3 2 400 2 BX  
Barrel 5 3       Oversized
Chest 20 10       Oversized
Pouch, large 1 1 50 0.5 AD&D
Pouch, small 1 1 25 0.2 AD&D
Quiver 10 5   24 arrows  
Sack, large 2 1 600 3 BX 1
Sack, small 2 1 200 1 BX
Saddlebags 5 5 300 2 BX 1

Food and Provisions

Item Rural City Enc (items)
Wine, Bottle - Poor 2cp 5cp 1
Wine, Bottle - Good > 1sp >1sp 1
Beer/Ale, Pint - cheap 1cp 1cp #2
Beer/Ale, Pint - decent 2cp 3cp #2
Meal, fine > 10sp >15sp n/a
Meal, standard 3cp 5cp n/a
Rations, iron (7 days) 7sp 14sp 1 (per week)
Rations, standard (5 days) 3sp 5sp 1 (per week)
Feed, Animal (5 days) 3sp 5sp 1 (per week)

Animals and Livestock

Item Rural City
Chicken 2cp 5cp
Cow 50 100
Dog (hunting) 3 3
Dog (war) 75 50
Donkey 15 15
Goat 1 3
Hawk (trained) 100 50
– Draft 75 100
– Heavy War 700
– Light War 300
– Riding 100 100
Mule 25 50
Pig 5 15
Pony 50 75


Item Rural City
Cart 75 50
Coach 500
Wagon 250 150
Chariot 250
Boat, raft 5 5
Boat, canoe 25 30


Item Rural City
Barn 1cp
Inn, sketchy 5cp 1sp
Inn, average 2sp 5sp
Inn, fine 10sp 50sp
Rent, 1 month (per 10’ sq.) 15sp 30sp
Stabling (riding horse) 2sp 5sp
Stabling (warhorse) 5sp 10sp
Structures Rural City
Cottage (wood), purchase 300gp 300gp
Hut (wattle), purchase 25gp 25gp
Hut (wooden), purchase 50gp 50gp
Townhouse (stone), purchase 1,200gp 1,200gp
Heteri Clan Marker, common 75sp 100sp


Miscellaneous Rural City
Rumors 10-60sp 10-60sp
Ads for hires 100sp 100sp

Temple Services & Magic


Retainers and Employees

Item Rural City Availability Special  
– Cartographer Nog          
– Shield Nog          
– Nogs, Service          




Character Movement and Encumbrance

Encumbrance Exploration Movement Combat Movement Running Movement

Animal/Vehicle Movement and Encumbrance

Animal/Vehicle Exploration Movement Normal Load Maximum Load


Animal Cost (gp) Miles/Day Movement Rate Max Encumbrance (Coins) Notes

Container Capacity

Equipment and Service Descriptions

Armor Descriptions


Commissioning Equipment

cost time


common availability and pricing differences


common availability and pricing differences

Regional Town

common availability and pricing differences