Guisarmes & Golems

Spells Lists

Spell Descriptions


Appendix A: Optional Ancestries

Generation of Attribute Scores**

Dvergar: can swap any score with Constitution. Charisma can not be their highest attribute - in that event swap Constitution and Charisma attributes. Alfar: can swap any score with Dexterity. Constitution can not be their highest attribute - in that event swap Constitution and Dexterity attributes. Dwarrow, Hobbits, etc: can swap any score with Charisma.

### Dvergar Also Dwarves, Dwarfs, Stunties

CHARACTERISTICS Average Height: 4’0” - 4’6” Average Weight: 120–200 lb. Attribute Scores: +1 Constitution, -1 Charisma Base Speed: 90’/round Vision: Low-light vision 30’ Increased carrying capacity

CULTURAL TRAITS Available Classes: Warrior, Burglar, Warrior/Burglar Starting Languages: Dvergar, Goblin, Common Advantages: Stonemasonry skill, defense against giants, goblinkind hatred, resistance to poison and some magic Disadvantages: Limited Languages

### Alfar Also Elves, Aelves, and Aelfar

CHARACTERISTICS Average Height: 5’0” to 5’6” Average Weight: 80-120 lbs. Attribute Scores: -1 Constitution Base Speed: 120’/round Vision: Low-light vision 30’ (due to extraordinary senses)

CULTURAL TRAITS Available Classes: Warrior, Magician, Burglar, Warrior/Magician, Warrior/Burglar, Magician/Burglar Starting Languages: Alfar, Orcish, Common Advantages: Natural Archers, Faeriekin, Perceptive Disadvantages: Ephemeral

All alfar are able to speak the following languages: alfar and orcish; in addition Alfar characters are able to speak the “common tongue” of menfolk.

As alfar are not as sturdy as humans, they deduct 1 from their initial constitution score.


Also Hobbits, Halflings

CHARACTERISTICS Average Height: Average Weight: Attribute Scores: Dex +1, Str -1 Base Speed: 90’/round Vision: Normal

CULTURAL TRAITS Available Classes: Warrior, Burglar, Warrior/burglar Starting Languages: Hobbit, Common Advantages: Bonus to surprise, poison saves, rsw/spells saves, bonus to hit with sling, defense against giants, resistance to some magic Disadvantages: Small size, hairy feet, big noses

Appendix B: Cultural Traits and Characteristics Reference


Age of Mankind:

Big Nose:

Defense against Giants


Ephemeral:  Character can not be Raised from Dead or Resurrected through any spell or item short of divine intervention.

Faeriekin: Characters have a 90% resistance to charm spells.  Any sleep-causing spells or effects double the duration and incur a -4 penalty on rolls to resist.

Goblinkind hatred

Hairy Feet

Limited Languages

Low-light vision [xx']: Alfar have exceptional sight, treating low-light conditions such as candle light and moonlit nights as daylight within xx’, and becoming decreasingly clear out to 4x that range, where their vision is similar to most humanoids.


Natural Archers: When employing a long or short bow, characters gain a bonus of + 1 on their die rolls "to hit".

Perceptive: Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from the character If actively searching for such doors,  characters are 33% (2 in 6) as likely to find secret door and 50% likely (3 in 6) to discover a concealed portal.

Resistance to poison and some magic

Small size:


Uncommon proportions:armor and clothing costs 10% more than normal. Even magical armours will require 10% cost spend on underpadding.

Vain: can wear helmets, but gain no armor class bonus due to helmet material or form.  Other helmet bonus (saving throws, specific creature defenses) may be granted.

Appendix C: Optional Rules

Class: Justiciar

Also Paladin, Ranger, Cavalier, Chevalier, Witch Hunter)

You are a servant of Law or agent of Civilization.

Class Details
Required Attributes: Wisdom OR Charisma 12
Allowed Armor: Light and medium armors, no shields, helmets (see below)
Allowed Weapons: Any
Melee Attack Bonus: Current Level
Ranged Attack Bonus: See below, otherwise ½ Level
Saving Throw Modifiers: +4 against spells, +4 against magical attacks from evil or chaotic creatures  
Initial Hit Point Roll: 2d6 (or take 7)  
Hit Points Gained Levels 2-10: 2d6  
Hit Points Gained Levels 11+: 3  
Attacks: L1-5 1/round, L6-10 2/round, L11 & up 3/round  

Class Abilities:

Appendix D: Maritime Rules

Appendix E: Summaries

Notes for Expert Book

| Page | Topic | Relevant | Notes | |——|——-|———-|——-| | X2 | Maximum Retainers | * | How does LotFP handle | | X2 | Mule encumbrance and speed | * | | | X2 | Languages and ability to read/write | | | | X4 | BX Alignments | | Descriptions suck | | X6 | Thief Skiles | | Increase in tiers like saves, to-hit, etc | | ? | Adventurer Class | | for advancement beyond demihuman level limits | | X? | BX Gear | | Compare to other lists (crowbar, etc) | | X11 | 1 hr memorization | * | How to handle in G&G? | | X11 | Spell/Training | * | | | X19 | Mapping | * | | | X19 | Rations for retainers | * | Are we forgetting this | | X20 | Rest 1 day/week | * | | | X23 | Evasion, Encounter Distance | * | | | X? | Add more oozes | | | | X48| Treasure maps | * | | | X51 | Foraging | * | | | X56/7 | Travel | * | |

Other Notes

1 Men
2 Flyer
3 Insect
4 Insect
5 Humanoid
6 Animal
7 Animal
8 Dragon (or other monster)

With the goal of better procedural transparency