Guisarmes & Golems

Combat & Encounters

Initiative and Combat Sequence

  1. Initiative
    • Both sides roll 1d6. High roll has initiative.
  2. Missiles & Quick Spells
    • Winning side fires missiles, starts spells (and finishes most spells of level 1-2)
    • Losing side fires missiles, starts spells (and finishes most spells of level 1-2)
  3. Movement
    • Side with initiative moves up to half move.
    • Side without initiative moves up to half move.
  4. Normal Spells
    • Side with initiative - Spells that were started in 2 take effect (if they weren’t completed earlier)
    • Side without initiative - Spells that were started in 2 take effect (if they weren’t completed earlier)
  5. Charges and Remaining Movement (A)
    • Side with initiative completes any charges and remaining amount, if any.
    • If closing to melee, foes are now in engaged.
  6. Charges and Remaining Movement (B)
    • Side without initiative completes any charges and remaining amount, if any.
    • If closing to melee, foes are now in engaged.
  7. Slow Spells
    • Unengaged combatants fire missiles, cast spells, et cetera.
  8. Melee
    • Engaged combatants fight one round of melee.
  9. Morale
    • Morale is checked when appropriate

Combat Actions (things to do in one round)

Other Combat Issues

* Shields will be splintered
* Look out, sir! (Hirelings will be splattered)

Unarmed Combat

Saving Throws


Health and Healing


Upon reaching zero hit points, the character collapses and is unstable and barely conscious. The character must immediately make a save versus death, or perish immediately. A successful save indicates that the character is losing consciousness and bleeding. The character will still dye in 3 rounds or upon taking further damage (such a coup de gras), unless basic medicine treatment (bind of wounds, etc) is applied.

Nonmagical treatments will bring the character to 1 hit point, but they will remain unconsious until a full day’s rest or magical healing occurs. Spells or other magic capable of immediately restoring hit points will bring the character to 1 hp and consciousness (regardless of the standard effect, such as d8 points from potion).


Natural healing occurs any character who rests one period and has had food and water within the past daily cycle. The period that rest occurs does not matter, as long it constitutes sleep, medition, or non-strenous activities, but healing rest cannot be achieved more than once a daily cycle.

Full rest restores 1 HP per character hit die. Example: a 4th level fighter would be healed 4 hp from a full rest.